New Year’s Sky

I am feeling a lot like the muck you find at the edge of a winter pond. Still, a short walk might get the blood moving and the chest clearer. Whatever I managed to contract is making breathing an exercise at the edge of my abilities, and has stolen my energy completely. I looked out the window for sunrise inspiration, but dark grey streaks across a light grey sky was all there was. I shrugged into my vest and clutching a cup of rather foul tasting herbal tea (good for upper respiratory ills) I stepped outside and caught what breath I could… the time it took to pull on my vest and grab my cup, the sky had changed to a fantasia of color!

The road was still shone wetly from the evening’s rain, though I retired early and don’t know how long it continued. The dark reflection on the gleaming surface was as fascinating as the sky, if not as spectacular. I certainly got my morning’s inspiration, finished my brief amble, and returned home to the cheering sight of smoke rising lazily from the chimney of my home. Warmth and a better tasting tea await me.

May your New Year be filled with love and joy and hope. Hobbity blessings!