A Shady Glade with a View

I have a little clearing in the woods in front of my house where I have put a small iron table and two chairs. From there I can watch the birds, see the nesting robin in my lilac tree, smile at the odd squirrel or chipmunk searching for nuts, and feel the breeze on its way from West to East. That breeze sometimes become quite…energetic, so much so that it ripped our flagpole right out of the porch pillar! My answer was to bolt the holder into a big maple tree on its eastern side. Now it flys, happily protected from the wind, where I see it while I drink my coffee or tea.

I plan on putting a display of shade flowers, probably begonias, impatiens and lobelias, on an old wooden barrow, and some bleeding hearts and lilies of the valley in the ground. I definitely need to weed around the peonies and columbines already there. The trees are mostly white pine, maples, and a few black cherries and oaks, with a lovely patch of sassafras for my teapot. Though I haven’t a mallorn tree, nor any elenor nor nephredil, this will be my small tribute to Lothlorien here in my little patch of The Shire. Long may its memory remain untarnished.